I know that within the untamed chaos of nature, there exists an inherent, created order, ordained by God. And there is such an order intended for the church. But that order was created by God, and not us. And no mission, vision, core values statement pre-empts that order. The mission is simple: love God, love each other and bring that love to the ends of the earth without ceasing until everyone feels loved. Get it? I didn’t. I’m not sure I do yet. But I’m catching a glimpse of all I thought it was and now know it isn’t. I got in the way of God’s order on many occasion.
And I know that order has been the subject of many a church split. And out of such splits, many people lose sight of what God intended and consequently, don’t feel very loveable, very loved, or very loving. And out of such squabbles arose larger organizations called denominations which sought to guide individual congregations through oversight and leadership with well-meaning intentions.
And with what is the road to Hell paved?
I know that most well-meaning churches belong to denominations.
I know that denominations in and of themselves are not evil.
I know that denominations like to take control.
I know that denominations like to take credit.
I know that denominations take credence, making a well-meaning church, indecipherable in its meaning…no matter how well it was to begin with.
I know that denominations seek to stifle creativity.
I know that denominations seek to stifle individuality.
I know that denominations seek to stifle freedom.
I know that creativity, individuality, and freedom are threatening to the status quo.
And I know the status quo is the modus operandi of denominations.
I know that denominations seek to inspire conformity within a context which is either so bland and beige that it would blend into most suburban neighborhoods, OR is so inanely politically correct, seeking to offend no one, and effectually alienating everyone by celebrating the conformity of diversity, not the different God-flavors within each individual.
I know that denominations often seek obedience to causes and not to Christ. They seek to preserve the institution, rather than serve their Savior.

I have personally seen several congregations, and many people’s souls raped by well-meaning denominations which seek to preserve rather than serve. The swath of carnage left behind devastates communities and steals precious hope from the already hopeless.
Thank God, He’s bigger than denominations.
Friend, do you see that? Several friends, gathering together in one another’s homes, eating together, worshiping, celebrating life together, praying for each other, and meeting each other’s needs. And what is this thing called? Love? Yes. Church? Shouldn’t they be one in the same? Whenever a few people get together and begin loving God and loving on one another without ceasing and loving on more and more people and feeling more and more loved…yes. Now that sounds like church.
And look over there, a bunch of younger people with two turn-tables and a microphone, dancing rhythmically to the unforced rhythms of grace. And what’s that? A neighborhood working together to collect food and money for a neighborhood family in need. And look over there! Children singing songs, holding hands, and dancing around wildly, untamed, and in the midst of it all, can’t you just see Jesus frolicking among them…with them. And look at that! A few friends gathering together over a cup of coffee discussing the ups and downs of their lives, and feeling safe to do so. They support one another. They encourage one another. They love one another.
These are all church.
What if congregations came in all shapes and sizes? What if they met in church buildings, yes, but in movie theaters, shopping malls, living rooms, warehouses, basements, bars, strip-clubs, and even on the internet? Could this happen? And what if, instead of over-arching organizations with emblems, agendas, and paid staff, they kinda watched out for each other?
Okay. I’m going to say it. I can’t hold it in any longer. We don’t need denominations. Let’s do an Etch-a-sketch folks. Let’s shake it all up, erase the thing we were working on before, and start over. And no animosity. No, we don’t need to condemn anyone or anything. “I’ll do the judging,” says God. No harm, no foul. Do over! Ollie-ollie-oxen free!
Yeah, that’s it. I think this would make Jesus smile. I really do.
Denominations can love Jesus, our neighbor and the world too. Or not?
Absolutely! Denominations are simply made of people who are trying to provide a framework. They are not in and of themselves evil! NO! Please forgive me if it seems I've suggested any such thing. No, what I'm suggesting is that in many ways, the whole of the organization has often gotten in the way of ministry, rather than free it up for passionate loving of God and God's people. That oft-times, the organization (denomination) becomes the point. Make sense? Yes...denominations can love Jesus, our neighbor and the world...and often do situationally.
May the Lord bless all denominations which seek to love Jesus passionately and love His children ridiculously!
I've come to think that denomination reflect "the different God-flavors". People find others with the same flavor, worship, find more, and then get themselves organized. I like denominations. As in food, I may enjoy some Mexican, then some French, and the cuisine category is like a denom. All nourish with their own flavors.
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