For a while now, the Lord has been rather silent in my life. Partially, that's been my fault. I've grown apathetic, which honestly, is just pathetic.
Recently, the Still Small Voice has been moving mountains once again in my heart. I have to admit to a certain sense of Holy Disquiet which is percolating in my soul. I'm restless. I'm feeling a call to action...a call to arms, as it were.
What follows is going to be the first chapter in what I'm calling the Neoformation Manifesto. Yes, I understand the word "manifesto" comes to us quite loaded. Good. That's why I picked it. If that word immediately causes a bit of friction for you as you read, I'm honestly glad. If you read Matthew 23...the whole stinkin' chapter...Jesus goes off on a bit of a rant, to say the least. When John Wesley preached, he often said that if he hadn't offended someone, then he hadn't been faithful to the gospel.
Some of what follows will be quite personal to me. And some of it will apply to the church as a whole. And hopefully, some of it will affect you, my friend...the reader. Please enter into the conversation with me...and maybe write a chapter in the Manifesto...or help to edit mine.
So, here goes...
Act 1
Okay...what do I know?
I know I've been called.
I know I need accountability.
I know I need to repent of certain things.
I know that God's plan A is often thwarted by my disobedience and that of others.
I know that God has a plan B...and C...and D...and so on.
I know my calling has more to do with front lines sorts of ministries.
I know my calling has more to do with beginning new sorts of ministries.
I know my calling has more to do with the disenfranchised of this world...the least, last, and lost.
I know that I will not ever concede to "playing church" again.
I also know that at times one must work within an existing system to attain certain goals.
I know that you and I are called to more than simply friendship...there is a mission which exists beyond us.
I know that other friends of ours will respond to this call and join us.
I know that my marriage is a priority...and so is yours.
I know that my heart is on fire.
I know that I need to pay my bills.
I know that loving people is what we're called to do...and to do so radically.
I know that I will do all things and be all things to and for all people so that some might be loved and know Jesus' love and realize their inheritance which exists for them here and now.
I know that I need to write.
I know that we need to worship.
I know that Acts 2 is more than attainable...and shame on us for ever downplaying that possibility.
I know that I am not called to remain in the oil industry forever and ever, amen.
I know that the enemy will not prevail against Christ and his church.
I know that I am a part of that church and am on the winning team.
I know that I will take hits...and so will my family.
I know that my wife (especially) will need outside encouragement and support.
I know that as I write this, I am declaring war against the enemy.
This, therefore, is a call to arms. My battle-cry for the King. I fight for the King of High Heaven. Onward, oh brave-heart! (Do you know the story of Robert the Bruce's heart?)
I do not just want to do worship evangelism...or friendship evangelism...or servant evangelism...I want to worship, sold-out, forsaking all other gods.
I want to fight mercilessly against an enemy who has never shown anyone any mercy.
I want to help people to wake up from the matrix, realizing that they've been in slavery, and they no longer need to live that way...that they have the potential to do even greater things than Jesus...walking on water is no big deal...people who follow Jesus, they do that sort of thing. Healings will happen. Our limits are self-imposed via the deception of the matrix.
Let us, therefore cast off all condemnation and leap into the limitless nature of a God who braved the confines of a human womb and the spikes of torture on a cross of shame, the First made Last. He offers us Diamonds...let's give him our glass.
Onward, brave-heart...we are warriors, barbarians really, who make a civilized religion tremble.
For the time has come to rid ourselves of all of the thieves in the temple.
The time has come to take our worship into the streets, serving all those around us with a love which is extravagant. The time has come to cast off anything which hinders the battle against the enemy...anything which smacks of religion...anything which attempts to tame an untameable...dare I say, WILD, Jesus, and make him palatable.
I know that I'm done playing "nice," because our enemy has already come at me in ways which are far from nice...and I'm not going to take it.
I know that the God of the Angel Armies has been awaiting broken-barbarian-warrior-worshipers to leap into the fray.
I know that Jesus loves me...and you...and that trumps everything else.
I know.
1 comment:
Mon writes:
This is what I know...
I know that God has a profound misson for my brother, Shane.
I know that I am too weak to take to the streets as he does.
But I know that my falling to my knees for him and his family on a daily basis will make him strong and confident in the Lord.
I know that I will pray; pray unceasing because I believe the battle is one and that it has already been won!
And I know that when I meet Jesus and the Saints at the gate, they will say that my prayers were answered.
This is what I know. Go and do your battle... I kneel ready to serve you and yours...
Your sister,
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