Saturday, July 26, 2008

Act 3

I know that the church has the most relevant and most needed message to share:  love.

I know that the church has bastardized that message and made it neat, tidy, vanilla, beige, suburban, and safe for consumption.

I know that many people in many churches have either never heard that message, or have obviously misunderstood.

I know that the church has taken a very dangerous, wild, untamed God and put Him into a box available for three easy payments of $19.95.  And if you act now, we'll throw in this chrome-fish for your car along with some Jesus' mints.  But wait, there's more!  If you call within the next five minutes, we'll also include this free mp3 player pre-loaded with 50 popular Christian songs by your favorite Christian artists!  

I know that the safest place to be is not in God's will.

I also know that we've lied to people for years and told them it is.

I know there are a lot of surprised people walking around with wounds because of this lie.

And I know that some of them have lost their faith in Jesus because of it.

I know that a group of lions is called a pride, a bunch of geese, a gaggle, a herd of rhinos is called a crash, and buzzards gathered together are called a committee.

I know that most committees should immediately disband.

I know that once disbanded, they should get on their knees and not get back up again until they've repented and heard from the Lord.

I know that if they hear from the Lord, their committees will become obsolete.

What if our buzzard committees disbanded and reformed as rhino crashes--groups of people with such single-minded focus they crash head-long into following Jesus?

What if?  

I'll tell you what if, dear friend:  astounding ministry would happen.  

Miracles would be commonplace.  

Love would abound.

Churches would overflow and have parking problems.

Can you imagine a church with a "standing room only" section?

Dare not to dream of such a thing.

Rather, dare to suggest a revolution.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Neoformation Manifesto: Act 2

Act 2

I know that God uses broken people to reach broken people.

I know that broken people in ministry is messy.

I also know that broken people are often more effective than those who define themselves as "refined."

I know that the promiscuous woman at the well is one of my heroes…and so is Peter the hothead…along with David the murdering adulterer.

I know that I'm tired of the "rules" of church…both written and unwritten.

If the Lord moves someone to tears in worship, they should cry.

If someone has cause to dance before the Lord, let them dance.

Let there be shouts of praise, the clapping and the raising of hands.

Let loud instruments resound with praise.

Let the halls of worship actually be filled with worship.

Oh to walk into a sanctuary (why use this word?) and see the people of God dancing, singing, clapping, shouting, on their faces, loving their neighbors, cheering one another on, and not arriving alone, but with the least, the last, and the lost…who in God's eyes, are the most, the first, and the found.

Does there need to be organization to all of this worship and church madness? Of course. Let's not forget that the root word for organization is the same as organic…implying life. And where the organization begins to choke out life, then it must be changed or even put to death so a new organization can form.

Let those who call themselves Christians or followers of Christ not forget to talk with their God. Let those who are in control of churches surrender themselves fully in prayer. Let the meetings surrounding the organization of the church not just give a lip-service prayer at the beginning as if saying a cursory grace at the dinner table. No, let the broken-barbarian-warrior-worshipers cry out to their God for mercy, direction, and discernment! And let that happen repeatedly, throughout the meeting seeking to be led by the Spirit.

Let pastors be shepherds who fight off the wolves which prowl. Let them call the congregation by name. And let them lead those congregations in the wildernesses of this world and to find other sheep.

Let them be compassionate, and yet dangerous.

Let pastors not hoard the ministry unto themselves, but be strong encouragers for the church to be actively engaged in constant, extravagant love living out Matthew 25, feeding those who are hungry, visiting those who are sick or in prison, giving clothes to those in need…giving toasters to those who need a toaster, rides to the store, mowing lawns, doing car and home repairs, and also traveling to foreign and/or far-away places to love on people. Let pastors be lovers…lovers of God…lovers of people.

Let churches everywhere throw open their doors…or maybe even unlock their gated "Christian" communities.

Nothing is sacred. Nothing. Only someone, and His name is Jesus. Everything else from the building to the music to the programs to the staff…literally everything else is negotiable for the sake of loving on people so they may be restored to themselves and to God. And if a congregation doesn't get that…then maybe they are goats. (Hmmm…think Caesarea of Philippi, and the worship of the god, Pan and the horrendous acts committed with goats.)

Let the sinners come to church if they feel so inclined.

In fact, if a church isn't actively loving on sinners so much that they have a desire to come to church, then once again, maybe they're goats?

I long to see gay and lesbian people in churches getting loved on.

I can't wait to hear the "eff" word in church some morning.

I yearn to smell alcohol on someone's breath as they come forward to receive prayer or communion.

Oh, to have a hooker come into church, crushing out her cigarette in the entry way, and applying her lipstick as she comes into the worship service.

I'm anxious to hear confessions of sinners because that indicates brokenness and a desire to realize that they are new creations in Christ.

Oh yes, let the sinners come! Let the doors be thrown wide! Swing wide ye heavenly gates! Prepare the way of the risen Lord! For as you love the least, the last, and the lost, so you have loved Christ! And as you throw open the doors of your churches to broken people, so you have welcomed Christ into your midst. And the word will spread: there is Love in this place.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Neoformation Manifesto

For a while now, the Lord has been rather silent in my life. Partially, that's been my fault. I've grown apathetic, which honestly, is just pathetic.

Recently, the Still Small Voice has been moving mountains once again in my heart.
I have to admit to a certain sense of Holy Disquiet which is percolating in my soul. I'm restless. I'm feeling a call to action...a call to arms, as it were.

What follows is going to be the first chapter in what I'm calling the Neoformation Manifesto. Yes, I understand the word "manifesto" comes to us quite loaded. Good. That's why I picked it. If that word immediately causes a bit of friction for you as you read, I'm honestly glad.
If you read Matthew 23...the whole stinkin' chapter...Jesus goes off on a bit of a rant, to say the least. When John Wesley preached, he often said that if he hadn't offended someone, then he hadn't been faithful to the gospel.

Some of what follows will be quite personal to me. And some of it will apply to the church as a whole. And hopefully, some of it will affect you, my friend...the reader. Please enter into the conversation with me...and maybe write a chapter in the Manifesto...or help to edit mine.

So, here goes...

Act 1

Okay...what do I know?

I know I've been called.

I know I need accountability.

I know I need to repent of certain things.

I know that God's plan A is often thwarted by my disobedience and that of others.

I know that God has a plan B...and C...and D...and so on.

I know my calling has more to do with front lines sorts of ministries.

I know my calling has more to do with beginning new sorts of ministries.

I know my calling has more to do with the disenfranchised of this world...the least, last, and lost.

I know that I will not ever concede to "playing church" again.

I also know that at times one must work within an existing system to attain certain goals.

I know that you and I are called to more than simply friendship...there is a mission which exists beyond us.

I know that other friends of ours will respond to this call and join us.

I know that my marriage is a priority...and so is yours.

I know that my heart is on fire.

I know that I need to pay my bills.

I know that loving people is what we're called to do...and to do so radically.

I know that I will do all things and be all things to and for all people so that some might be loved and know Jesus' love and realize their inheritance which exists for them here and now.

I know that I need to write.

I know that we need to worship.

I know that Acts 2 is more than attainable...and shame on us for ever downplaying that possibility.

I know that I am not called to remain in the oil industry forever and ever, amen.

I know that the enemy will not prevail against Christ and his church.

I know that I am a part of that church and am on the winning team.

I know that I will take hits...and so will my family.

I know that my wife (especially) will need outside encouragement and support.

I know that as I write this, I am declaring war against the enemy.

This, therefore, is a call to arms. My battle-cry for the King.
I fight for the King of High Heaven. Onward, oh brave-heart! (Do you know the story of Robert the Bruce's heart?)

I do not just want to do worship evangelism...or friendship evangelism...or servant evangelism...I want to worship, sold-out, forsaking all other gods.

I want to fight mercilessly against an enemy who has never shown anyone any mercy.

I want to help people to wake up from the matrix, realizing that they've been in slavery, and they no longer need to live that way...that they have the potential to do even greater things than Jesus...walking on water is no big deal...people who follow Jesus, they do that sort of thing. Healings will happen. Our limits are self-imposed via the deception of the matrix.

Let us, therefore cast off all condemnation and leap into the limitless nature of a God who braved the confines of a human womb and the spikes of torture on a cross of shame, the First made Last. He offers us Diamonds...let's give him our glass.

Onward, brave-heart...we are warriors, barbarians really, who make a civilized religion tremble.

For the time has come to rid ourselves of all of the thieves in the temple.

The time has come to take our worship into the streets, serving all those around us with a love which is extravagant. The time has come to cast off anything which hinders the battle against the enemy...anything which smacks of religion...anything which attempts to tame an untameable...dare I say, WILD, Jesus, and make him palatable.

I know that I'm done playing "nice," because our enemy has already come at me in ways which are far from nice...and I'm not going to take it.

I know that the God of the Angel Armies has been awaiting broken-barbarian-warrior-worshipers to leap into the fray.

I know that Jesus loves me...and you...and that trumps everything else.

I know.