I know those same jockeys feel such privilege that they need but click the button on their remotes to order up a worship service to meet their perceived needs.
I know worship has become a very dignified, 2nd rate attempt to copy other shows.
And I know that David danced naked before the Lord in worship.
I know that people in the Bible fell on their faces in worship.
And they raised their hands. They shouted. They sang.

They crashed cymbals, played stringed instruments, and horns.
They knelt. They were silent. They were raucous.
They shared scripture. They spoke in tongues.
They prayed. They listened.
They moved about. They were still.
But they were anything but spectators…that is, until the Pharisees got a hold of them.
I know that old brood of vipers has somehow resurfaced in the church today.
What a joyous sound to hear the members of a group home singing in monotone and at the top of their lungs that they “once were lost, but now are found, were blind but now they see!”
What a sight to see, an adulterer on his knees at the altar rail getting prayed for and loved on as he repents.
Oh, the blessing to see a child crash through the crowds of dignified people to dance before Jesus!
What if spontaneous worship erupted in our gatherings?
What if when the organ or the piano, or the band stopped playing, the church just kept on singing?
What if one hour on Sunday became three or four?
What if what happened on Sunday happened all week long?
What if we taught our people how to worship freely and gave them permission to do so…and not just permission…but encouragement!?
What would happen if the preacher preached?
What would happen if that same preacher wasn’t afraid of what his congregation thought of him?
What would happen if the preacher only cared about what her Jesus thought of her?
What would happen if those who were mature in their faith took the worst seats?
What would happen if people prayed…really prayed in worship?
What would happen if spiritual warfare wasn’t relegated to a select few, but was expected from all?
What would happen if we truly believed we were “more than conquerors” and donned our armor and became worship warriors?
Oh, friend, I do believe the gates of Hell would tremble at that.
There, do you hear that? The sound of congregations breaking free from their religious shackles?
And now…now there is the sound of praise.
And there, if you listen closely, you’ll hear the cries of anguish of the enemy and his minions as they must once again face their loss, as those who are created in His image claim their rightful inheritance as princes and princesses in the Kingdom of the High King of Heaven!
Let the Worship Warriors step up, and in, to the fray…a raucous wild rumpus of worship which declares war against the enemy and his minions!