This past week, I had a couple of profound experiences. Let me start by telling you a bit about my week speaking at a camp for junior and senior high aged youth.
I've been speaking at this camp for years. In many ways, it's a camp which builds Christian leaders. We always teach/preach the basics of the Christian faith. We have wild and crazy recreational activities every day (ask me some time about Messy Games and the giant, banana-split slip and slide...with cherries on top). We have daily Bible study in the morning, worship at night, and then time with small huddle groups to discuss the themes of the day at bed time.
It's intensity in ten cities.
In the evening worship, we had an altar call every night. I know. How old fashioned. It positively screams early 20th century tent-revival...complete with a pastor in a seer-sucker suit. Yeah. I know.
I don't get it...but it works.
And about the only thing I can come up with is this: people, of all ages, are looking for authentic opportunities to be known.
And I think these opportunities are rare.
Do we get "known" on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter or Youtube? Do we get known in school? How about at work? In fact, are we even truly known at home?
Sadly, I think the answer is often a whispered, yet strong "no."
All week long, the altar rail filled up with young people, counselors in training (18-21 year olds), and even the counselors themselves. It was tremendous.
And each night, God showed up. And He allowed us to be present with whomever came to the rail and blessed us with the gift of their trust as they allowed themselves to be known.
"I want to believe."
"I've done some horrible things and I'm sorry and I don't want to do them any more."
"I've made some bad mistakes."
"I'm just kneeling here praying for all those here who don't know Jesus."
"I want to have God in my life."
"I want to start over."
And on and on...all week long. In fact, there were even spontaneous Baptisms which occurred! I was dumbfounded...and amazed at the love of such a God that would allow us to be present for such rich treasures of moments.
Now...fast-forward to Sunday. Camp is all done. We're home...mostly un-packed. Still basking in the afterglow of so much God.
And we went to worship at the church we're attending. Now...the music was wonderful. The songs spoke of deep relationships with God. And the pastor spoke of real hurts in our lives. But it wasn't the same. I worshiped. Most certainly, I did...because I believe that worship is a choice.
But what I realize now is this: I was never known.
So...here's what I'm pondering? ("Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?") Is there a synthesis of the two? Can there be such a church...where worship is of excellent quality in terms of music and "production" and yet, where one can truly be known?
Is there such a church? Oh, Jesus, please tell me it's possible. Because I'd like to believe that Acts 2:42-47 isn't just a history lesson.
Or is that too quixotic of me?
Be WILD For Christ!